🏆 What are Bonuses?

Bonuses are one of the most effective tools for rewarding players and driving engagement in gameplay. Whether earned through Calendar rewards, spinning a Wheel or by completing Challenges, Bonuses add excitement and motivation to the player experience.
With the flexibility to create a variety of Bonuses and strategically assign them across multiple areas, you can promote deeper engagement and ensure your players remain immersed in the game.

🔓 How to access Bonuses

Creating and managing Bonuses is quite easy within the Rewards platform. All you need to do is head to Rewards -> Bonuses.
Accessing Bonuses
Accessing Bonuses
From here, you will access a page that displays all the Bonus Types available.
Once you select the Bonus Type, you will be presented with a page where you can see all existing bonuses of the selected type.

🛠️ Creating Bonuses

Creating Bonuses is a straightforward process. Begin by navigating to the Bonuses page and selecting your desired Bonus Type.
On this page, locate the Create Bonus button in the top-right corner of your screen. Click it, add a name for your Bonus, and click "Create."
You’ll then be taken to a new setup screen. This page includes several sections and fields to configure your Bonus. Below are the most commonly used setup options to get you started:

⚙️ Bonus Settings:

  1. Widget Image: Upload the image for the Bonus Widget (preview and popup). Recommended size: 320x320px, 1:1 ratio.
  2. Bonus Code/ID: Enter the code from your Bonus Platform.
  3. Amount: Specify the value of Free Spins or Bonus Money credited to the player.
  4. Wager Requirements: Set the wagering multiplier needed before the Bonus Money is credited.
  5. Expiry Days: Define how long the Bonus will be available, starting from the moment it’s assigned to the player.
Depending on your integration, this section might look different.

🎨 Appearance

  1. Title: Enter your Bonus title, which will appear in the Bonus Widget.
  2. Description: Add any additional details about the Bonus. This will only be visible in the revealed popup.
  3. Call to Action: Specify the text for the CTA button.
  4. How to Display Bonus Terms: Choose from three options: Before CTA, After CTA, or Hide Terms. This determines where the Bonus Terms and Conditions will appear in the popup.
  5. Bonus Terms and Conditions: Write the applicable Terms and Conditions for the Bonus.
Once you’ve completed these steps, make sure to click the “Save” button at the bottom to confirm your changes.

✍‍ Translations

If you are targeting multiple markets, you might want to display the Bonus data you've just set up in different languages. To do so, simply click on the Communication Profile you wish to create a translation for and you will be able to manually update the Bonus fields.
Here's an example of how you could create translations for the German Communication Profile:
Translating Bonuses
Translating Bonuses
The end result here is how the bonus will look like, for players matching the criteria of our German Communication Profile.
In the near future, you will be able to use our AI integration to auto-generate translations for you, just like when building Actions!