🎡 What are Wheels?

Wheels are one of the core components of the Rewards platform where players are able to spin a wheel to win rewards like free spins, virtual currencies, or other bonus prizes. They boost player engagement and retention by offering rewards through randomized outcomes, often tied to daily logins, deposits, in-game achievements or shop experiences.
You can use Wheels to encourage spending, customize promotions, and create excitement around seasonal or milestone events, making wheels a versatile feature in your rewards strategy!
Example of a Wheel inside My Rewards
Example of a Wheel inside My Rewards

🛠️ Setting up Wheels

You can create new Wheels and manage existing ones under Rewards -> Wheels.
Accessing the Wheels page
Accessing the Wheels page
To add a new Wheel, click on the "Create new wheel" option.
When configuring your wheel, you can set up the Wheel settings. They will define the name of the wheel, that will be displayed to the user on the Rewards page.
Wheel Settings
Wheel Settings
The next component you will have to configure are the positions of your wheel. They define the prizes and bonuses give to players if they land in that position. For the positions of a wheel, you can choose how many different sections or bonuses will be offered. You can add as many positions as you want and for each position you will have to configure:
Wheel position settings
Wheel position settings
  1. Probability: represents the chance of a wheel spin landing on that position. The sum of probabilities from all positions must be equal to 100%.
  2. Title and Description: Information about the prize/bonus you are giving to the player if the wheel lands on that position.
  3. Winning Description: Text shown to the player if the wheel lands on that position.
  4. Prize Options: The bonus(es) given to the player if the wheel lands on that position.
In future releases, you will be able to setup multiple bonuses (e.g. free spins for different games) for a single Wheel position, players will have the choice to choose which bonus they want to claim when the wheel stops on that position 🚀‍
Finally, you can configure the Wheel Pointer, which marks the exact position where the wheel lands, and the Main Wheel Image, which defines how the wheel appears to players on the Rewards page.
Before saving, make sure all Wheel settings are completed and that the total probability adds up to 100%—otherwise, saving won’t be possible.
Wheel pointer and wheel image
Wheel pointer and wheel image
Important: Make sure to design your Wheel according to the bonuses and prizes you are giving in each one of the positions.