API Endpoints
These are the endpoints available for Front End integration with On Site Notifications and Rich Inbox. These endpoints are returning data for logged in users.
Getting the config and authenticating the user
Get config
GET https://am-events-[env].fasttrack-solutions.com/api/v1/config/[brand]
This endpoint returns needed config values for your brand
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
brand* | String | Your "Fast Track Brand Name" given to you by the Integration Manager |
env* | String | Current environment, can be staging or nothing which means production. |
200: OK
POST [FUSION_URL]/Platform/LoginAuthToken
The login endpoint which exchanges the sid / auth token for a user object.
Name | Type | Description |
authtoken* | String | The sid / auth token to authenticate the user with |
200: OK
Authenticate against Pusher
GET [FUSION_API]/external/pusher/[brand]?authToken=[sid]
This endpoint is usually consumed by the Front End Pusher Javascript SDK.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
brand* | String | Your "Fast Track Brand Name" given to you by the Integration Manager |
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
authToken* | String | The sid / auth token to authenticate the user with |
200: OK
Consuming the data
Get all notifications
GET [FUSION_URL]/Notifications/v2/user-notifications
Lists all notifications for the authenticated user. Use the query string parameters to filter notifications.
The DisplayType can be used to send silent inbox notifications. There is a checkbox in the CRM for silent notifications.
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
unread-only* | boolean | Only return unread notifications |
Name | Type | Description |
authtoken* | String | sid / auth token for currently logged in user. |
200: OK
Get specific notification
GET [FUSION_URL]/Notifications/v2/user-notification/[id]
Returns a specific notification for the authenticated user. Pass the message id in the url.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id* | Integer | The id of the message to retrieve |
Name | Type | Description |
authtoken* | String | sid / auth token for currently logged in user. |
200: OK
Delete Rich Inbox Message
DELETE [FUSION_URL]/Notifications/v2/user-notification/[id]
Deletes a Rich Inbox Message for the authenticated user. So that the message is not returned again on API.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id* | Integer | The id of the message to delete |
Name | Type | Description |
authtoken* | String | sid / auth token for currently logged in user. |
200: OK
Mark a notification as read
POST [FUSION_URL]/Notifications/MarkNotificationAsRead
Marks On Site Notification or Rich Inbox message as read for authenticated user
Name | Type | Description |
authtoken* | String | sid / auth token for currently logged in user. |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
MessageId* | Integer | The id of the message to be marked as read |
200: OK