Below outlines the necessary steps to successfully use Advanta through Fast Track
Steps to set up Advanta
- Set up Account The Operator set up an account on Advanta. One staging account and one production account is preferred. Make sure the accounts have enough credits for testing.
- Credentials Provide Fast Track with the following credentials:-Partner ID -API Key -Default sender name (shortcode)
- Sender Name - Sender name (shortcode) is configured in the Fast Track backoffice.
- Unsubscribe Default Text - The Operator provides Fast Track with default ending text in SMS that they wish to use, "Unsubscribe...". For example: "Unsub? Click 'here' ". - This text will be automatically added to any SMS triggered by FT CRM.
- Unsubscribe Solution - Fast Track can provide a landing page to handle unsubscriptions.
- Webhook URL - Fast Track to setup polling against Advanta API, no action required from Operator.