In the Users & Permissions section, you can create and manage users, roles, permissions, and teams within FT CRM. You can structure and organise the access requirements for different teams and individuals within your organisation. You find Users & Permissions from Settings in the main menu.
Users & Permissions
Users & Permissions

👤 Users

Anyone with the role System Administrator, or with Administration & Management permissions, can set up new users and manage permissions.
You can create single or multiple Users simultaneously within FT CRM, and allocate them the appropriate User Roles or Teams to ensure accurate access privileges. Changes to User Roles and Teams of a User can be done seamlessly at any point. Additionally, you can manually customize permissions for individual users, selecting or deselecting specific permissions as necessary.
Create new Users
Create new Users
🧠 Note: When a User is assigned to more than one User Role and/or Team, they will accumulate all of the active permissions enabled for those selections.

🦸 User Roles

The User Roles are a group of permissions you can assign to an individual user or team. By default, you have seven different User Roles to choose from, covering the most common types of users: System Administrator, Developer, CRM, Support, Data Analyst, Compliance, and Read Only.
User Roles
User Roles
Each User Role comes with a pre-configured set of permissions, but the permissions for each User Role can easily be changed to fit your needs.
On the User Roles page, you can also add a new custom User Role:
Add a new User Role
Add a new User Role

👥 Teams

Teams allow you to manage User Roles and permissions to multiple Users at the same time. For example, with Teams, you can grant access to your entire CRM team at once, and if you ever need to manage their access, you can do so in bulk by changing or adding User Roles assigned to that team. Similarly, when someone new joins your CRM team, you can give them all the necessary permissions by simply adding them to the appropriate Teams.
Creating new Teams
Creating new Teams