⚡‍ What is a Trigger?

A Trigger is one of the core components of an activity and is basically the defining moment when you wish your Activity to fire and put your actions into movement.
You can create endless versions of Triggers for your activities by defining specific rules when creating your Trigger. In FT CRM the majority of the Triggers are based on Real-Time Events, which gives you the flexibility and option to target your player during any time-critical event of their journey on your site.
Click here to get a deeper understanding of how Triggers work.

🛠‍ Where to create a Trigger?

You can create a new Trigger by entering the Triggers section of the CRM menu or if you're already in an activity you can create a new Trigger right there and then.
Enter the triggers page to create a trigger
Enter the triggers page to create a trigger
Create a new trigger straight in your activity
Create a new trigger straight in your activity
💡 Note: Whilst we have explored the benefits of creating new Triggers above, it is always best practice to re-use existing Triggers when and where possible.
Click on any of the options below to read more about the most common Triggers or Trigger Types you can use for your Activities.