Area charts are perfect for following and visualising trends in data. For example, the total deposit amount per month.

How to use it

We recommend the following 2 variants when creating an area chart:
A: Maximum 1-3 Measures and 1 Time Dimension Also, a regular Dimension may be used instead of a Time Dimension, however, this would not be commonly used. Instead, a bar chart would more commonly be a better choice to visualise it.
More Measures may be added, it is however not recommended for the simple fact: when there are too many Measures/areas (the Measures will be visualised as lines/areas) it will be harder to visualise and understand what you're looking at. This would result in a chart that is hard to read and draw conclusions from, which in turn fights the purpose of looking at data/trends in the first place.
B: 1 Measure, 1 Time Dimension, and 1 regular Dimension (for more information and examples on this variant read the page about line charts here)
💡‍ An area chart works in the exact same way as a line chart and is visually almost the same.


Example 1:

Line chart with 1 Measure and 1 Dimension
Line chart with 1 Measure and 1 Dimension
In the above area chart, we are following the trend for deposit amounts on a monthly basis.
The Measure (the deposit amount trend) is represented by the pink line/area, with the value on the y-axis (you can also hover over the dots for more detailed information) and the d=Dimension (the timeline by month) can be found on the X-axis.
To get this visualisation we have added 1 Measure, [Deposit Amount], and 1 Dimension [Date] grouped by month with data collected from all time.

Example 2:

Line chart with 2 measures and 1 dimension
Line chart with 2 measures and 1 dimension
In the above area chart, we are following the trend for deposit and withdrawal amounts on a monthly basis.
The Measures (the deposit and withdrawal amount trends) are represented by the pink and blue line/areas, with the value on the y-axis (you can also hover over the dots for more detailed information) and the Dimension (the timeline by month) can be found on the X-axis.
To get this visualisation we have added 2 Measures, [Deposit Amount] and [Withdrawal Amount], and 1 Dimension [Date] grouped by month with data collected from all time.
For more information on how to use area charts, read the page about line charts.
💡‍ The only difference between an area and a line chart is a small visual difference - the area beneath the line of an area chart is shaded.