'Area' is a chart type that can be used to visualise data in the Data Studio. Read more about this Chart Type below.
Area charts are perfect for following and visualising trends in data. For example, the total deposit amount per month.
How to use it
We recommend the following 2 variants when creating an area chart:
A: Maximum 1-3 Measures and 1 Time Dimension
Also, a regular Dimension may be used instead of a Time Dimension, however, this would not be commonly used. Instead, a bar chart would more commonly be a better choice to visualise it.
B: 1 Measure, 1 Time Dimension, and 1 regular Dimension (for more information and examples on this variant read the page about line charts here)
Example 1:
In the above area chart, we are following the trend for deposit amounts on a monthly basis.
The Measure (the deposit amount trend) is represented by the pink line/area, with the value on the y-axis (you can also hover over the dots for more detailed information) and the d=Dimension (the timeline by month) can be found on the X-axis.
To get this visualisation we have added 1 Measure, [Deposit Amount], and 1 Dimension [Date] grouped by month with data collected from all time.
Example 2:
In the above area chart, we are following the trend for deposit and withdrawal amounts on a monthly basis.
The Measures (the deposit and withdrawal amount trends) are represented by the pink and blue line/areas, with the value on the y-axis (you can also hover over the dots for more detailed information) and the Dimension (the timeline by month) can be found on the X-axis.
To get this visualisation we have added 2 Measures, [Deposit Amount] and [Withdrawal Amount], and 1 Dimension [Date] grouped by month with data collected from all time.
💡 The only difference between an area and a line chart is a small visual difference - the area beneath the line of an area chart is shaded.