The Data Studio offers you super fast-loading Dashboards that will address the needs of every team in your organisation. Create Dashboards in digestible formats to help you view and keep track of growth and long-term trends. Quick and easy: get an overview of where you need to focus.
With the Data Studio, you will experience flexibility and granularity of data like never before. And last but not least, use it to make the Singularity Model smarter and prepare for the next big thing: 1:1 Experiences.

This is what you can find in the Data Studio:

Collect and keep track of important data by creating your own Private Dashboard, share them with your brand, or check-out Fast Tracks' pre-defined System Dashboards.
Use the Explore page, to easily search and analyse data, when you don't have the need to store and keep it as a Dashboard.
Want to look at even more personalised data? Write your own SQL in the Query Editor: your personal and advanced data Explorer.

Getting Started

Get Access

To access the Data Studio you need to either have the "Data Analyst" User Role assigned to your User, or the Data Studio & Analytics permissions enabled for you.
Assign this Permissions to the users that needs access to the Data Studio
Assign this Permissions to the users that needs access to the Data Studio
Once you've got access to the Data Studio you can navigate to it from the 'Insights & Analytics' section in the side menu.
Find the Data Studio in the Analytics & Insights section
Find the Data Studio in the Analytics & Insights section

Get Inspired

The first thing we recommend you to do is to have a look at our pre-defined System Dashboards. This will give you a good insight into how you can work with the Dashboards before you go ahead and create your own.
Get inspired by the Fast Track pre-built System Dashboards
Get inspired by the Fast Track pre-built System Dashboards

Get Going

Once you've checked out our System Dashboards, or if you can't wait to get hands-on straight away, it's time to get going with creating your own masterpieces.
We have a step-by-step guide on how to create your own Dashboards right here.

Good Luck! ✨‍