🧰‍ Getting Started

Branding settings can be accessed from Rewards > My Rewards and clicking on the version you wish to edit. Here, you can configure a base branding profile that you can adjust for each Communication profile configured on your Fast Track CRM environment.
In our example, we will show you how to style the Rewards program for our UK players on the Starry Spins Origin.
Accessing branding settings for Starry Spins - UK Communication Profile
Accessing branding settings for Starry Spins - UK Communication Profile
If you have the Origin solution enabled on your environment, you will be able to configure different versions of your Rewards program and apply different branding settings for each Origin.
Next, you can click on Base branding profile for Starry Spins, any changes made here will apply to the base branding settings for all Communication Profiles.
Otherwise, click on Branding adjustments for Communication Profile - UK to amend the styling for UK players only.

🎨‍ Branding Studio

Clicking on a branding profile will open the Branding Studio, here you will be able to fine tune colors, fonts and styling for different sections of your Rewards program such as:
  1. Modal
  2. Popup
  3. Progressbar
  4. Cards
  5. Buttons
  6. Menu
  7. Notifications
Any changes made will be reflected on the preview on the left, for example, here's how you can change the background color for the Rewards modal:
Branding Studio
Branding Studio
In the last section, Components, you can enable/disable various features for your Rewards Experience such as:
  1. Avatar
  2. Next level card
  3. Menu
  4. Levels (Coming soon!)
  5. Loyalty (Coming soon!)
  6. Virtual Currencies (Coming soon!)