🔓 Get Access

To get access to The Singularity Model, first of all, you need to have the necessary Singularity Model Permissions assigned to your User.
Assign these Permissions for all Users that need to access the Singularity Model
Assign these Permissions for all Users that need to access the Singularity Model
Once you have the access that you need, you'll find a new icon in the left-hand menu of the CRM.
Singularity Model in the CRM Menu
Singularity Model in the CRM Menu
Note 🧠: The title of this menu (and the menu item tooltip) will reflect the name you give to your model.
In this example, the model is named the FT Singularity Model. The version 2.0 release comes with our ready-made FT Singularity Model set-up for you to use.
You can change the name of your model in the Dashboard. Find out more here.
The first thing we recommend you to do is to have a look around and familiarise yourself with our FT Singularity Model. This will give you a good insight into how you can work with the Feature Types and Player Features. Then you can decide if you wish to take advantage of our pre-built model or go ahead and create your own model.
The Singularity Model consists of the following:
The Dashboard provides an overview of the Player Features and Feature Types that have been set up for your model. Customise your model's name and icon here.
Feature Types are the settings where we define the Player Features, possible outcomes and movements that a player can make.
Player Features are meaningful pieces of information/data that we know about a player.