
Aside from setting up your regular CRM campaigns within Fast Track CRM, we highly recommend setting up, what's usually referred to as, "transactional" communications in the same space. Like this, you can effectively manage all parts of your player communications from one central place.

🛠️ Setting up an Activity for Approved Deposits

Create a new Activity and give it a name. Next, we will select the Automated/Recurring type of Activity with the following Firing Conditions: - Starting From: Today - Ending On: Jan 01, 2050 at 00:00 (as long as you want the communication to run for) - Fire: Unlimited time(s) per user
Firing Conditions
Firing Conditions
Now, we will select a Trigger for our Activity, which will be a Successful Deposit Trigger.
Selecting the Trigger
Selecting the Trigger
If you don't have a Successful Deposit Trigger already set up on your platform, please check the following article.
For our Segment, we will target All Players since we want to send communications to all players making a successful deposit on our website.
Selecting Email Template
Selecting Email Template
In the body section of this email, we are using three #-variables to display content dynamically in the email our players will receive: #Firstname# - This will display the first name of the player.
#amount# - This will display the amount that was deposited by the player, in their currency.
#Currency# - This will display the currency of the player with a 3 character code.
#date# - This will display the timestamp that the deposit was received.
Using #-variables
Using #-variables
Here you can see the final result of the Activity setup:
The full Activity setup
The full Activity setup
You can create transactional communications based on other events too, such as:
  1. Approved Withdrawal
  2. Rejected Withdrawal
  3. Rejected Deposit