🔤‍ Understanding the basics

What are Action Groups in the context of 1:1 Experiences?
As we originally know it, Action Groups make up one of the main components of an Activity. It's in the Action Groups where we enter our Actions; which most commonly can be described as the player engagement (SMSes, emails, bonuses, etc.) that we wish to send to our players in a send-out or campaign.
Action Groups in the context of 1:1 Experiences are not that different, however, there are additional layers. Let's look at the difference:
Traditional Activity Has one (or multiple, if you're running with the A/B test feature) set Action Group with actions that will be sent to all players in the selected Segment for the Activity.
= Players in the Segment will get the same experience
🚀‍ 1:1 Experiences Activity Has a Collection containing multiple Action Groups where one of these Action Groups will be handpicked and sent, according to best match, to the individual players in the Segment.
= Players in the Segment will get a 1:1 Experience
From now on, we'll focus on Action Groups in the context of the Content Library / 1:1 Experiences.

🌱 Getting Started


To begin with, in order to access Action Groups in the Content Library, you need to have the necessary Singularity Model Permissions assigned to your User.
Singularity Model Permissions
Singularity Model Permissions
If you can't find the Singularity Model icon
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in the side menu, you don't have the above-mentioned role. If this is the case, ask the relevant person in your team to give you access: Settings -> Users & Permissions.


Navigate to Action Groups from the Menu -> FT Singularity Model -> Content Library -> Action Groups.
When we enter Action Groups, we can see any Action Groups that have been created in the Content Library (goes without saying that this space will not have any Action Groups if you haven't created any yet).
Here we have an overview/summary of some key settings of any created Action Groups:
Status, ID, Name, Actions, Translations, and when it was last modified.

🚦 Statuses

In addition to the All tab, where we can see all created Action Groups created in the Content Library, we can also see these Action Groups divided by status:
Active Action Groups that are active, are ready to be used and assigned to Collections. An Action Group is active as soon as at least one of the Action Group versions* has been activated.
In Development Action Groups that are in development can't be assigned to Collections, as they don't have any active versions* yet.
Once the Action Group is fully set up, it should be activated so it can be assigned to a Collection.
🤔‍ What are *Versions?
Continue reading this page (which we strongly advise you to do) and you'll find out. Or else, you can jump ahead and read about versions here.

🛠️ Creating Action Groups

From the Action Group landing page, we have two starting points (as seen in the top right corner) when creating a new Action Group; we can Import or Create New


This feature allows you to import Actions/Action Groups that have been created in the past. This is a great option for you to re-use setups created in the past to save you valuable time.
Upon selecting this option, you'll have two tabs that differentiate the source of where the Actions/Action Groups, that you wish to import, come from.

Action Groups

In this tab, you'll have a list of Action Groups created from the Content Library. Simply click on the Action Group that you'd like to import Actions from. A new Action Group will be created with the Actions automatically added.


In this tab, you'll have a list of all your created Activities from the past (non-archived). Simply click on the Activity to import the Actions to the new Action Group.
If the selected Activity has more than one Action Group you'll be asked to select which one(s) you want to import:

Create New

As an alternative option to importing existing Actions/Action Groups, you can create an Action Group from scratch by clicking on the 'Create New' button.

Name & Description

After importing or creating an Action Group from scratch, you'll want to give your new Action Group a descriptive name followed by a description for any further information that you want to include.
Name your Action Group and enter a description
Name your Action Group and enter a description
After you've done this, you'll have the option to save your Action Group by clicking on
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in the top right corner.
💡‍ Worth noting:
When you create a new Action Group, this automatically will become 'Version 1' of your Action Group. Read more about Versions further down on this page.

Adding Actions

If you don't know what Actions are, please make sure to read about them here.
If you initially chose 'Import', you'll already have Actions added. In this case, you might want to edit your Actions and/or remove or add additional ones. If you created an Action Group from scratch, you'll have a blank canvas to work with. To add your Action(s) you simply click on the 'Add new action' button:
Add Actions
Add Actions
From here on, setting up your Actions works the same way as always.

Bonus Actions

👉‍ Important Information:
Please note that any bonuses used in the Action Groups (in the Content Library) should be set up to never expire. More specifically, the bonuses should not have a set date of when they are no longer active/available to claim.
The reason is, we want our library of Action Groups to be available for use until the end of time. If we have bonuses that expire, in time we will send offers with invalid bonuses which will cause issues as the players won't be able to receive them.

Smart Channel

⭐‍ Pro Tip:
Set up your Action Groups with both an Email and SMS and enable the 'Smart Channel' feature from 1:1 Experiences. This way the players will receive the offer through their preferred communication channel and you don't have to set up multiple Action Groups to cover both SMS and Email.
Read all about it here.

🏷️ Classifications

The Classifications work like tags. We assign Classifications to our Action Groups, so we know what they contain. These Classifications are key for the 1:1 Experiences engine to differentiate all the different content in the Content Library so that the content can be matched to the right players down the line.
In the Classifications Tab, you need to assign what Classes the Action Group contains/fulfills.
To the left, we have a list of all the Content Features (Offer Type, Deposit Requirement, etc.) and to the right of them, we have the different Classes that are available for each one.
Depending on the content and Actions in our Action Group we might want to select one or multiple Classes for each Content Feature (only some Content Features have multi-selection options).
As an example, we have the Content Feature 'Communication Channels' with the following Classes: Email, SMS, On-Site Notification, Push Notification, Telephone
If you've set up an Action Group with more than one communication channel, you'd like to select all of the communication channels you've set up.
Full Example:
🎁‍ The Offer:
  1. Log in and get 5 Free Spins
  2. Deposit €50 and get €10 in Real Money
📩‍ The Communication Channels:
  1. Email
  2. SMS
🛠‍ The Setup:
  1. Free Spins
  2. Bonus Money (with a €50 deposit requirement)
  3. Email
  4. SMS
🏷‍ The Classifications:
Deposit Requirement: €50-99 Offer Type: Free Spins, Real Money Channel: Email, SMS Product: Casino (picture of the Classification selections below)
Example of Classifications selections for an Action Group
Example of Classifications selections for an Action Group
Something to think about...
... when you're setting the Classification for Deposit Requirement for your Action Groups.
If you have an offer with a deposit requirement of €50 and for the Deposit Requirement Classification you select the 50-99 Class, this offer will then be matched up with players that have the Predicted Deposit Bracket between €50 - €99.
✨‍ Remember:
In order to achieve 1:1 Experiences we need to make sure that we have a good mix of different Action Groups. Meaning, Action Groups that contain a good variety of offers and content is key so there's something for everyone.
Read more about the Content Features here:

✅ Quality Assurance

Once you're done setting up your Action Group, it's time to QA it. You do this from the Quality Assurance tab:
In order to QA, you need to have created/saved the latest changes to your Action Group (do that by clicking 'Create' or 'Save' in the top right corner).
Quality Assurance is an easy step-by-step process. Check everything thoroughly, tick off each section as you go, and finish off by clicking "Sign off" (which will appear at the bottom of the page).
💪‍ Best Practice:
Always ask a colleague to Quality Assure your setup. We're often blind to our own mistakes, so it's more likely for someone else to spot them.

Activate your Action Group

When the Action Group has been signed off, you can activate it as prompted at the top of the page 'Make Active'.
Alternatively, you can activate it from the
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Ellipsis menu in the overview of 'All Versions':
When your Action Group is Active, it's now ready to be used in a Collection.

Making Changes

You can make any changes you like to your Action Groups. You simply click on the Action Group you'd like to change, followed by the version. Unlock it in the top right corner by double-clicking or clicking and holding for a moment.
Unlock to make changes
Unlock to make changes
Once it's unlocked, you can make the changes and then click on 'Save' to implement them.

Edit QA'd Version

If you want to edit an Action Group that has already been QA'd, you'll be prompted with a message upon saving. When clicking 'Yes, continue' a new version will automatically be created.
(Looking at the breadcrumbs at the top of the page, you can see that the new 'Version 2' was created)
If you click 'No, cancel' instead, the message will close and you'll return to the Action Group, however, the changes will not be saved.

🔢‍ Versions

As mentioned in the above section, once an Action Group has been signed off from Quality Assurance and you want to make a change to the Action Group - a new version of the Action Group will be created instead.
The reason for this is so that you are able to keep track of any changes that have been made along the way.
If you've also run with the Action Group in an Activity, you'll be able to compare the performance of the different versions which will give you important insights to see if the change had any positive or negative impact on the performance.
👉‍ Important Information:
Please note that making changes to existing Action Groups should only be done when making adjustments to them while sticking to the core. For example, a new version may be created if you need to update content in the Email or add an additional language.
If you want to create something different, for example, if you want to add a new offer, you should create a completely new Action Group instead.

Clone Version

As an alternative to editing a QA'd or Active Action Group (which will create a new version), you can easily clone an Action Group version from the
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Ellipsis menu.
Clone version
Clone version

More about Statuses

In Dev and Active status

An Action Group version 'In Dev' means they're currently being setup, and/or have passed the Quality Assurance but haven't yet been activated.
For each individual Action Group, there can only be one version active at a time. When an Action Group is assigned to a Collection, it's always the active version that would be used.

Change Active Version

An Action Group version always needs to be QA'd in order to be activated, then there are a couple of different ways to activate it. You can activate it whilst inside of the relevant Action Group Version by clicking 'Make Active', at the top of the page (as displayed in the picture below).
Alternatively, when you're inside the Action Group, where you have the overview of all Versions, you can make a Version active from the
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Ellipsis menu to the right.
If you already have an active version and you want to activate another, you'll be asked to leave a 'Change Summary'. This is a summary to explain the difference between the current version and the new one that you're about to activate.
As seen in the image above, you'll also see if and how many Collections will be affected by the change you're about to implement. Click 'See Collections' for an overview of the Collections.
Please note:
It's not possible to activate older versions.
  1. You have version 1, version 2, and version 3
  2. Version 3 is activated
  3. Version 1 and version 2 can no longer be activated
If you would like to use an older version, please clone it instead.

Changing Name

If you want to change the name of your Action Group, you'll find this option from the Action Groups landing page in the
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Ellipsis menu --> Rename.
Rename Action Group
Rename Action Group

🔻 Filter by Content Features

Use the Content Feature filter to easily filter on Action Groups with certain Classifications.
For example, filter on the Action Groups with the Offer Type 'Free Spins":
How to add and remove a Content Feature filter
How to add and remove a Content Feature filter
The Content Features are the Classifications you add for your Action Groups. For the filter to work properly, all Classifications need to have been added to each Action Group.

🗃️ Collections

🤔‍ What are Collections?
Collections is the entity that will consist of your Action Groups and eventually also Models (Eligibility & Scoring Model) and further settings.
Later it's the Collections that will be selected in your Activities and Lifecycles, in order to run with the 1:1 Experiences; to match and send the right content and offers to the right players.
Read more about Collections here.
For each Action Group, you can easily see what Collections they're included in.
When you've selected the Action Group of interest, you enter the 'Collections' tab where you'll have a list of any Collections that the Action Group is a part of.

📊 Performance

There are 2 ways of navigating to see the performance of an Action Group.
  1. From the
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    Ellipsis menu on the Action Group landing page
2. Or by selecting the Action Group of interest, and navigating to the 'Performance' tab
Up next we'd recommend you read about Collections: