Using the Singularity Model, and spending time to collect meaningful data about your players, is only beneficial if you can report on it and make it actionable.
By actionable, we mean, being able to use the information collected to target players with personalised, one-to-one experiences. One of the ways we can do this is by using Player Features and their classes, inside the standard segmentation list.
💡 Objective: Target players with offers on their most active day of the week in order to increase conversion.
Look at player depositing patterns for the last 90 days to assign a class to a player based on the day of the week they are most active. Players will be assigned to a class that corresponds to a day of the week.
To achieve this objective we can take advantage of the following features in the Singularity Model:
Feature Type: Day of Week
Classes: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Player Feature: Most Active Day of the Week
Computation: Time-based Query
These Feature Types and Player Features are already set up in the Singularity Model. If you want to change the system settings, you can create your own version to your liking.
📚 Reading
You may find it useful to read the following guides before you set up your Feature Types and Player Features:

Player Distribution Dashboard

Once set up, use the Player Distribution dashboard to make sure players have been assigned a class.
Player movements between classes can be tracked and viewed in the Player Feature Dashboards. Navigate to them by: Player Feature --> Dashboard --> Player Distribution.
This dashboard shows each class of the Player Feature and the number of players currently assigned to each:
Dashboard: Player Distribution
Dashboard: Player Distribution
In order to see the Player Distribution, the computation trigger must have already passed.
This could be a Real-Time Movement or a Time-Based Query.


Once you have set up Player Features and recorded player movements, you can use the Player Features inside the segment list to create segments. This will allow you to target players that belong to certain Player Feature Classes.
Player Features appear in the segment field list as below:
Segment field list displaying Player Features
Segment field list displaying Player Features
Select the Player Feature from the segment fields list, to target the desired class:
Player Feature in Segment field list
Player Feature in Segment field list
This allows you to target players with more personalised experiences by utilising Player Features inside segmentation. This can be used in both Activities and Lifecycles.
🧠 Important to Keep in Mind:
As always with FT CRM, segmentation will be updated before activities are processed.
The data is processed in the following order:
Event (example: login, deposit)-> Updates to Segmentation -> Updates to Singularity (features) -> Activity fires.