🧰 Getting Started

To access and manage Shop Items, go to RewardsShops and click on the Shop where you want to add items. Here, you can add and manage the items available to your players, including settings for appearance and
Virtual Currency
To create a new Shop Item, click the Add Shop Item button. You’ll be prompted to provide a name (for internal use only). Afterward, you’ll be directed to a new page where you can add further details for the item.

⚙️ Item Settings

  1. Image: You can enable the Image Flip effect to give players a sneak peek of the item in the shop.
  2. Title: The name displayed on the Shop's front-end.
  3. Descriptions: Two descriptions can be added—one visible on the widget and another on the pop-up.
  4. Bonus Released on Purchase: Select any of the Bonuses created through the Rewards platform to be awarded when the item is purchased. You can choose more than one Bonus to release.
  5. Price and Currency: Set the cost of the item and specify the currency.
  6. Terms and Conditions: Provide any applicable terms and conditions for the item.
Creating a Shop Item
Creating a Shop Item

✍️ Translations

When creating or managing Shop Items, you can add Translations and customise the Images and Released Bonuses based on the Communication Profile. These profiles appear as icons below the Shop Item details and remain greyed out until configured.
To add a Translation, click on an icon, make your changes, and click Save. The icon will then display in solid colours, indicating that a configuration has been applied.
Translating a Shop Item
Translating a Shop Item